Salem online services - Join us on Sundays at 9:30am for our weekly online service. Also, you'll find a library of all past services since in-person worship was suspended.
Forward in Christ magazine - The April and May editions of these monthly magazines are being offered free in digital format. Contains excellent devotional and educational articles, as well as items of interest from WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod).
Daily COVID-19 video devotions - Less than 2 minutes long, these WELS-produced daily video devotions are timely in topic, and reliable in content.
WELS-wide Easter Service - Easter's so nice, why not celebrate twice? This special service was part of a synod-wide online service on Easter Sunday. The music and message are powerful, and the fellowship of faith we share with Christians around the nation is an uplifting part of this special service.
Time of Grace - This WELS affiliated media ministry includes written blogs, video devotions, and tons of other great resources to help you grow in your faith. You can subscribe for daily emails or follow on your favorite Social Media channel.
Other WELS devotional resources - Check these out for more devotional resources available through Northwestern Publishing House (NPH), the WELS publisher of devotional and curriculum, materials.